"There is something about him that rather interests me, a sort of sauciness . . . he may be an agreable [sic] flirt. There is exquisite pleasure in subduing an insolent spirit, in making a person pre-determined to dislike, acknowledge one's superiority."
Lady Susan of Mrs. Vernon's brother Lady Susan, letter 7
"Not that I am an advocate for the prevailing fashion of acquiring a perfect knowledge in all the languages arts and sciences; it is throwing time away; to be mistress of French, Italian, German, music, singing, drawing etc., will gain a woman some applause, buy will not add one lover to her list."
Lady Susan remarking on the education she would like for her much-unloved daughter Frederica
Lady Susan, letter 7
"Where there is a disposition to dislike, a motive will never be wanting."
Lady Susan, letter 5, Lady Susan to Mrs. Johnson
Ahhh... back from vacation and appropriately tan. Happy to report there were no dispositions to dislike in our group. I get together with my dearest friends from college every year, and this time all the kids and husbands came, too -- lots of healing noise and laughter. Hope you are all well.