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May 19, 2008


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Oh, does that bring back memories. I visited Bath -- I think it was the first time I was in England, with a group from my college. And I got sick as a dog. (Cramps, plus the effect of an underdone pig-in-a-blanket I'd unwisely eaten at a concession stand in Stonehenge.) I was so sick I was crouched on the floor in the museum, thankful it was dark in there, and trying to stay in a corner so I wouldn't get trampled on! Needless to say, I couldn't enjoy the place at all. I'd like to go back sometime when I could enjoy it! :-)

Your photos are splendid! I enjoyed this little pilgrimage tour very much!

Lori, this is lovely, both the words and pictures. I believe I loved the Hampshire Fields most of all.

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