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May 23, 2008


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That's very true indeed!

OH, Lori ~~ I'm jealous!
Enjoy the glory of the sea and
the Lord be with you!


OH, Lori ~~ I'm jealous!
Enjoy the glory of the sea and
the Lord be with you!


OH, Lori ~~ I'm jealous!
Enjoy the glory of the sea and
the Lord be with you!


June 2 - perfect... my birthday! :)

I'm almost finished reading A Walk with Jane Austen so it's pretty neat that I stumbled across your blog today. One of my birthday gifts was the 1996 production of Jane Austen's Emma (with Kate Beckinsale) and I was looking up stuff on Mark Strong. Your blog came up!

As I've been reading your book, I keep telling myself that I have to write to you once I'm done. I can relate to so much of what you share. Though I have not had the privilege (or rather, have not made the effort) to go to England and do some real Jane Austen following, there's a lot in your book that really resonates with me, including our Christian backgrounds, our experiences with men/relationships, and our careers (I'm a full-time freelance writer and editor working on my second book!)

Anyway, I know I'm rambling here but I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your book. It's been a nice way to get to know Austen a little better (without reading a dense history or biography book) but I've especially enjoyed the reflections on faith, family, friends, etc.

I have never subscribed to a blog feed before (though I have two of my own blogs) but I'm going to subscribe to yours. Don't you feel special? :D

So, thanks again, and I'll probably be back!

God bless you,


"ACK!" I forgot to say: Enjoy your holiday. I hope you'll get some much-deserved rest. :)

Thanks, Ann-Margret! Wonderful to 'meet' you!

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