Family squabbling

I’m actually headed out today to North Carolina for a long Thanksgiving break. Can’t wait to have everyone together.

Today’s quote is from my Jane Austen Society desk calendar:

“Family squabbling is the greatest evil of all. . . “

Mansfield Park, volume 1, chapter 13

I expect a lot of merriment, actually (and an awful lot of eating) and not so much squabbling, except among the little ones, who can’t really help themselves.

I’ll be taking a break from posting here for the rest of the week, back on Monday. Happy Thanksgiving to all my US readers!


Filed under Family, Mansfield Park

4 Responses to Family squabbling

  1. Virginia Claire

    As the RC of JASNA in NC!! WELCOME !!! I love your quotes for the day and Hope you have a wonderful holiday in the tar heel state!!

  2. Thanks, Virginia — I’m a huge fan of NC, so glad to be back here! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. Bonnie Buckingham

    I finished your book last week!
    I miss hearing you “talk” and
    was so surprised by the end of what
    was wrong with you. I was relieved!
    Looking forward to our time with you
    for our Book Club~~ wonder if you are
    near Charlotte? Enjoy family and friends
    this holiday ~~ the Lord has done great things!

  4. Thanks, Bonnie! It’s been wonderful to be here and have the whole family here. (I’m still here recovering from all the activity.) We’re actually out on the Outer Banks, one of my favorite places in the world.