Category Archives: Mary Elliot Musgrove

Queen of pity parties

“Mary was happy no longer: she quarrelled with her own seat, was sure Louisa had got a much better somewhere, and nothing could prevent her from going to look for a better also. . . . Anne found a nice seat for her, on a dry sunny bank, under the hedgerow, in which she had no doubt of their still being, in some spot or other. Mary sat down for a moment, but it would not do; she was sure Louisa had found a better somewhere else, and she would go on till she overtook her.”

Persuasion, volume 1, chapter 10

I love Mary. Nothing snaps me out of my own pity parties faster than thinking of her, and her “I’m sure Louisa has found a better,” as Sophie Thompson says in her brilliant performance.

I realize now that I am not entirely sure what a hedgerow looks like, but here is a shot of one of the fields around Steventon, where Jane grew up.


Filed under Anne Elliot, Contentment (or not), Mary Elliot Musgrove, Persuasion

Vain opposition

“Husbands and wives generally understand when opposition will be in vain.”

When Mary does not want Charles to go to dinner at his parents, leaving her with little Charles, who has just fallen and dislocated his collar bone.
Persuasion, volume 1, chapter 7

Today’s quote is from my lovely 2007 Jane Austen calendar from JASNA. Order yours for 2008.

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Filed under Marriage, Mary Elliot Musgrove, Persuasion

A mother’s province

“‘. . . indeed, Mary, I cannot wonder at your husband. Nursing does not belong to a man; it is not his province. A sick child is always the mother’s property: her own feelings generally make it so.'”

Anne Elliot, on Charles’s wanting to go to dinner at the great house in spite of the fact that little Charles was still recovering from his bad fall
Persuasion, volume 1, chapter 7

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Filed under Anne Elliot, Mary Elliot Musgrove, Men, Motherhood, Persuasion