I’m afraid this has become the daily-when-I’m-healthy-enough-to-post quote. I hope it will be back to daily soon. Tuesday I used all my available energy to see the D.C. premiere of the new Lyme documentary Under Our Skin. It’s fabulous. I was exhausted and too emotionally wrung out when I got home to be much good. Yesterday was a couch day, due to nausea from a new med. I’ve bravely ventured out to a coffee shop today, hoping said nausea will stay at bay.
A little from Jane in one of her last letters:
“I am gaining strength very fast. I am now out of bed from 9 in the morning to 10 at night-Upon the Sopha t’is true-but I eat my meals with Aunt Cass: in a rational way, & can employ myself, & walk from one room to another.”
letter to her nephew James Edward
May 27, 1817 [160]