Category Archives: Adventure

Seeking adventure abroad

“If adventures will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad.”

Northanger Abbey, volume 1, chapter 1

I had read this quote attributed to Austen, but couldn’t find it anywhere. I was thrilled the other day, re-reading Northanger Abbey, to find that it’s said of Mrs. Allen’s inviting young Catherine Morland to Bath.

The new ITV adaptation, which has already aired in Britain, will run on Masterpiece Theatre here in the US this fall. It’s not gotten great reviews, but I’m hoping if nothing else it will introduce Austen fans to this great, fun little novel, which I’m afraid is sometimes overlooked in all the Darcy mania.

(I can’t get the page to load, but evidently there’s a preview here.)

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Filed under Adventure, Bath, Catherine Morland, Northanger Abbey, Travel