Book Trailer for The Jane Austen Guide to Life

So this is not a quote, but since it’s the official release day for my new book, The Jane Austen Guide to Life, wanted to share this fun little video. (It’s not about the Real Housewives, really…)


Filed under Notes

2 Responses to Book Trailer for The Jane Austen Guide to Life

  1. Arti

    Congratulations on your new book! I just saw it tonight in a Chapters book store here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. That was a pleasant surprise. I’d enjoyed your previous book A Walk With Jane Austen. Good to see your newly redesigned blog of Austen quotes. All the best!

    • lori

      Thanks, Arti! Great to know the book is up there in Calgary! (Wish I were up there, too…) Best to you.